Then on to the border of Suriname where they took a motor-powered canoe to cross the Maroni River:
Finally taking a taxi and arriving at the Church for Zone Conference.
especially when you have are kings!
We did our shopping for 3 weeks there...just because it is so much cheaper....we also bought some things for the Colombians here because it is so much cheaper. It was nice to do something nice for them. I loved what mom and dad had to say about service. Conference was extremely uplifting..I really liked the lesson Elder Barton and his companion shared. I learned so many things..and now I'm trying to apply them. Already I'm seeing many results. I'm still trying to master the art of reaching my goals. I truly know that all our goals are possible. Right now I've been learning to be patient with myself and that although I expect to reach them all, if I don't reach them it should not be a reason to get down on myself but to learn and to thank the Lord for his grace, and example of perfection.
Stake conference sounded great. I have been learning so much about service the last couple of weeks...because, for me, these refugees are the living examples of what service is. Usually true service is not something convenient or something easy. It is something that may take you out of your comfort zone. I know its not easy whenever President Peredez invites 8 people to eat over at his home during the week that he doesn't know at all. All he knows is that they are refugees and they need food. So he invites anybody knowing that its takes away from the very little food that he has for his family. He also recognizes service as the very best way to do missionary service because it is not simply teaching or talking about the gospel, but living it. MAN I LOVE IT HERE!
Andy's letter to President Gammiete follows:
Dear President,
Elder Rodriguez and I left zone conference on a spiritual high. We were focused and had faith that we would reach our goals. And I testify that faith and attitude change the work. We had one of the best weeks of my mission this week. This week in Cayenne we saw so many miracles. We saw members working together, overcoming language barriers to serve one another and investigators, and felt the holy ghost powerfully during sacrament meeting. Right now we have two investigators that are truly two of the elect of God, Cesar and Jose. The very first lesson with Cesar we fixed a baptismal date with him, and since we fixed it his testimony has been strengthened because of the book of Mormon and the great spirits of the members. With our other investigator, Jose, we had an incredible first lesson but did not feel prompted to exend a baptismal date right then. One day later we had an activity at the church and the spirit had so worked on him that he asked us what he needed to do to join the church. We fixed 5 other baptismal dates during the week....our only problem was we need Spanish Book of Mormons for these persons or they cannot meet the criteria for baptism. The miracle came Sunday when the big shipment of Book of Mormons arrived during our fast to receive them. Things are moving!...the members are excited and it shows by the references we get from them!
Elder Rodriguez is a great missionary. It sometimes feels....well, actually quite often, as if I'm the one being trained. He is a stud, and is already far and ahead where most missionaries are after 2 transfers. We are getting along great, and learning tons from each other.
My testimony is continuing to grow. I'm grateful for the trials and obstacles that God gives just when our testimony seems to plateau...Heavenly Father always is mindful of what we need.
1 comment:
So glad he documented his transportation to zone conference. It looks like quite the adventure.
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