This week has been such a great success. Our zone is finally starting to baptize weekly! The elders are all doing their best to reach the goals we have set together as a zone so that we may accomplish all that we have accomplished as a mission! As President Eclar in Guadeloupe says, IF YA BELIEVE, YOU WILL SEE! Well we believe in our goals, and that they are covenants we make with Heavenly Father. We try our best to reach every single goal. Of course, we are far from perfect, and we repent when we make mistakes. But instead of being discouraged by my weaknesses and faults, I am encouraged because I know that we can see even greater miracles. I know that by Jesus Christ and his infinite atonement we can become better, and I'll never forget. Elder Rodriguez and I have had some great spiritual experiences this week with our two investigators Jose and Cesar who are both prepared to be baptised this next Saturday. They are both so excited! This week Cesar went up to a member and with his broken french asked her to come to his baptism and also to say one of the prayers at the baptismal service. Oh how good I felt to see that. To see the smile on the member's face, and how much that flattered her. I know that because they have taken the steps of true repentance Cesar and Jose will both be members that will stay in the church. We are having also success in teaching by the Book of Mormon, and finding referrals. This week the focus of Elder Rodriguez and me is to help the members and more importantly the branch leaders catch the vision of the mission by studying the mission plan with them. I'm so grateful to be here in Cayenne and to be able to play a part in the great work that is happening here.
ELDER RODRIGUEZUm....really quick, you asked about investigators. Well who knows really? We are teaching about 90 percent in Spanish, so I'm lost. haha. It's definitely a different work I'm doing here especially since Elder Rodriguez does a good portion of the teaching. But he is a stud! I have not seen a missionary with his desire to kick butt before since Elder Garotta! It's a euro thing maybe(who would have thought Europeans?).
Anyways...actually the Spanish is going fairly well. I understand fine when we teach and talk about the lessons and religion, but outside of that I'm lost. It's coming though. I'm hoping to stay another transfer at least; I imagine I will too since we have been seeing so much success. Oh, I forgot to tell you that last week Delaina Fogus was baptised. She was a daughter of that family Elder Copa and I reactivated. That was such a great baptism. The family has been steadfast at coming back to church, and are talking with president about a plan to go to the temple.
Sorry but the baptisms for Jose and Cesar are next week. Gosh They are Saweet though!Every lesson is just smooth as butter!
Note to mom:
Its been a tiring week! Actually the whole transfer has been tiring! Ever since I started getting close to the 18th month mark, I have been freaking out a little at how fast time has gone by and how little I have left. I gotta kick it in to overdrive. So I have been really, really, really lame at letters. But...I do want to wish you big happy birthday this Thursday? I know its the are the best mom!
YOU are the ideal kick butter.
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