I am so grateful for the last 4 transfers I have had to serve in Lamentin. These members are truly great examples that I believe will inspire me and motivate me for the rest of my life. It is such a blessing to meet Latter Day Saints like them. I pray that my testimony of Jesus Christ and my service in his name has helped each one of them in some way, even if only to strengthen their testimony. I'm sad because the last week in Lamentin was not the best. I could blame it on having to drive people everywhere during conference, but it is not true. We did not arrive at the success in contacting how I would like. But I have promised myself to do better. We have been working with members and trying to serve them in order to get referrals and although we have seen the members take a better liking to the missionaries thanks to this. Elder Snow and I see now that there needs to be more teaching involved to get referrals. There is one investigator who is feasting on the Book of Mormon! He feels an extreme need to repent. He has been to church the last two weeks and he was able to come to the fireside last Friday with President Anderson. We actually were able to have 5 potential priesthood holders there, a nice note of success before leaving.
Elder Snow is the best, I feel a little sad to be leaving him. He has taught me so much, but I know that we both have more to learn from other companions. He is a champ!
We had zone conference this week and I feel the reason it may have seemed I have been down on myself has cleared up. Last Zone conference President Gamiette bore testimony to the missionaries that ALL of our goals are possible through Heavenly Father's help. They Holy Ghost bore testimony to me that that was true... and you know there was just something missing all of this last transfer...we were having decent success, in fact more success than I had been having before in Lamentin. But, I was getting down on myself because Elder Snow and I were not reaching all of our goals...so what was the problem? Were we not working hard enough? Were we being disobedient? What was it? And now as I'm writing this email the Holy Ghost witnesses to me that true success and/or happiness comes when our goals and the Lord's are one. This work in Lamentin is not mine, or Elder Snow's, but it's the Lord's! Haha, how much more clear is Alma 37:37 now when it says to counsel the father in all our doings, and he we lead us to good(something like that. And that if we ask with faith it will be given to us? ...well with that said...I plan to take that idea, continue with hard work, but strive to be more united with the will of God in Martinique...I'm getting transferred...I'll be serving in Fort De France, in Martinique, which is not to far from Guadeloupe. I'm excited because I will not be zone leader! Haha, it was fun, and I'm grateful for the learning that was had, but this will be a nice break. I'll still be a district leader, but it's not as difficult as zone leader. Well. I gotta go right now, so thanks for listening today
Love y'all,
Elder NEff
PS Let everyone know that my address will stay the same...continue sending things to Guadeloupe(President has told me I'll be back in Guadeloupe next transfer due to legal issues. So, unless you want to send something to me with fast shipping it makes more sense just to keep the same address.
Transferring to Martinique reminds of the leaving St. Martin for Guadeloupe
1 comment:
A new island and a new adventure. We pray all is well with Elder Neff and his new area.
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