It was a crazy week...Monday to Thursday there was a huge gas
strike and we could not get anywhere outside of Moule from Sunday
to Thursday. We did not even know zone conference was still a go
until about 10 o'clock Wednesday night. I guess they are
complaining gas prices are outrageous here(like they are not
everywhere else, too, so everyone decided they wouldn't drive for
four days (the missionaries joked it was just 'cuz they wanted
another holiday). But it really screwed up our week. We had three
really good investigators who had baptismal dates: Michlo, Rosin,
and Renai. We had planned to spend all of Monday and Tuesday in
Moner a Leau working there with our investigators there,
specifically Rosin and Renai who live there. Moule is actually a
three city area (Moner a L'eau, San Francoi, and Moule). We
had memebers set up to come and teach, but because of the
strike our plans were all screwed up. We adapted our plans for
Moule and to work with our investigators there. Michlo was
the only one of the three investigators with a baptism date
who lived in Moule, and we had planned to see him on Tuesday,
but could not even get a hold of him until Thursday night. So
we worked with most of our investigors in Moule, but ended up
doing a whole lot of finding (port a port). Finally, we were able
to meet with Michlo Thursday night only to be devestated to
find he had found a girlfriend, and didn't think he could keep
the commitments of baptism. I don't know how to explain
the sorrow and desperation there is in seeing someone be so
close and yet still so far....Even worse was that we have not
been able to get a hold of Rosin for the last week for whatever
reason. I think he has started smoking again, but this week
has just been rough as far as the work goes. We are having a
tough time finding tons of good investigators too. Everyone
here seems to have so much potential, they are so nice and
great, and yest so stuck in their own religions. I wish i could
do more, but the French limits me still.
Luckily we had the best Zone conference to lift my spirits
after this week. The spirit was so strong and I really allowed
it to teach me some things. In all I still feel the branch is
growing stronger and becoming a more closely knit branch.
This week we were surprised by two of the sisters who made
a whole bunch of pancakes for the branch after church. I don't
know what it is but they are pancake crazy now! Mom thanks
so much for your testimonyevery week, it helps boost mine
each time a read it....I love you and love the fam...thanks for
the awesome recipes, too! They are so kick butt!
1 comment:
Andy my boy looks great, but it look more summery than wintery. I remember trying to get in the Christmas spririt with it 95 degrees and 95% humidity on Christmas day 1979.
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