Thanks for the corn bread recipe! such a great idea, right now I'm
really craving, too; I had forgoten all about it! I'm glad the
Christmas was good...I was kinda hoping to call and see everyone
was havin a lousy christmas because I was not there...but ya'll
looked great... Christmas was great here as you saw. We had a
great time with the elders and the Collings. They are great.
The day after Christmas was not so great though...I didn't
sleep at all that night and woke up so dang sick...I threw up
in the morning for about 5 minutes and then my head was
spinning the rest of the day...luckily the Collings are here.
They got me and Elder Garotta back to Moule, and me some soup
and other stuff. I felt bad sleeping all day but I was just
not feeling up to do anything but try and sleep. Saturday I
still had a headache and runny nose and stuff, but I was able
to get out and work and that cures everything. But its good now.
Tuck is lookin good man. I can't believe my little bro is
almost 18! I was thinking about that and it blows me away!
He is the man. He has got to start preparing for the mission!
Man everyone looked great! I was so happy to talk to you guys!
It put me in such a great mood! The mission has really made
me so grateful for the family, and also resentful for being
such a geek when I didn't hang out with you too. This week is
gonna be a great week for Moule, if it's Elder Garotta's or my
last week here we gotta go out with a bang. Bunch of
investigators and a bunch of people at church! K well I love
From a separate e-mail:
The zone leaders wanted to get all the apartments spick and
span because a lot of them looked like crap (not ours whoooop
whoooop!) so we stay at one of the apartments. The zone
leaders bring a bunch of extra matresses and then we wake up
at about 6 and clean till 9 or 9:30 and with 14 guys we get a
lot done. Actually to be honest it ends up its 6 or 7 of us
that do all the work and the others are lame. But after we
will go play soccer all together, see a beach and play frisbee,
or see a waterfall or something.It's really hard to transfer
from island to island because of flights so they will transfer
from branch to branch. Elder Garotta thinks we are getting
transfered... I think I'm staying still.
Elder Garotta has become such a wuss on me.. the last two
weeks i have set up markers on a long straight road and have
done ladders....they aren't doing tons though...but I think
he is getting trunky and wants to look good for when he gets
home so hopefully this week will at least be different we have
transfers the week after.
Dad thanks for your advice on the language...I definitely
find a difference in my french when i just get out and testify.
Testifying of the Saviour is the best. Its the fixer of all can fix a heart when its sad, it can bring calm to
a soul that is stresses, and it can bring the french language
to a missionary when he is feeling really insecure about it.
And as missionaries we definitely can not fear or worry about
sounding dumb when we are doing this work. This last sunday yesterday I guess I had to give a talk and I was really
tired from the day before and hadn't prepared tons...but before
I started I just decided I was not going to worry about what I
said before hand, and I just had faith beforehand that what I
needed to say would be given to me. The talk went so well!
My first talk a couple of weeks ago was a wreck, and the
difference was definitely more faith and less fear.
So the utes are gonna pull an upset pretty soon...I'm so
excited to hear who wins!!!! Elder williams and I are gonna just jokin'...first off the fast isn't for that
and second the utes don't need it! I'm glad to hear the jazz
are developing their younger talent. Sports are tight,
unfortunately im becoming a little bit of a soccer fan here,
but I can't help it! It's all they me and hill will
be better buddies.